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Events Schedule

Sh Boom!

8:00 p.m. in Wilke Center

Events Schedule

The Agitators

“A Brilliant Play … Theatre at its best!” Frederick Douglas and Susan B. Anthony, they agitated the nation and each other and, by doing so, helped shape the course of American history. The Agitators tells of the enduring but tempestuous friendship of Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass. Great allies? Yes, and at times, great adversaries....

Events Schedule

Cool Yule

A new Christmas Spectacular! From Coney Island to the Sunset Strip, “Cool Yule” will have audiences singing and dancing along to reimagined Christmas favorites new and old!  Mr. “C” is H-O-T and he’s bringing you a dazzling brand, new Christmas spectacular right down your chimney!   With a star-studded cast that includes ANJELICA MCRAE BREATHETT, CHELSEY...